Saturday, October 6, 2012

UNWIND bu Neal Shusterman REWVIEW

I absolutly loved this book. Neal Shusterman reeled me into this book with the first chapter. I loved how each chapter was in a differnt charcters point of veiw. Neal shows how all theese childern who are all so very differnt can come together and fight for a greater cause that they all believe in. In this book Risa, Connor and Levi, all want to show the rest of the USA that UNWINDING is wrong, and that they can show that they are worth something to society in the whole state and not the divided state. Neal also lets the reader get into the mind of these three and in the minds of some people they meet along the way to the GRAVEYARD, even thought they have no clue that they are even going there. The three of them need each other in a way to survive. Connor and Risa learn that even though they come from two diffrent lifestyles they wind up falling for each other, and want to show the world as a whole, that they are worth living in the whole state. Levi, or Lev, gets separted and learns that even though he is a tith that there are other things to give to god than just yourself. He gets a new perspetive throughout this book, and ends up fighting to end UNWINDING with Connor and Risa. He also wrote a squeal to this book called UnWholly which is a most read if you like this book. 

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